Thursday, February 26, 2015

3.21 Carry: Down's syndrome & Babywearing

Please check out the link below & support an amazing cause.  Babywearing is something that is so beneficial, especially to NICU babies, where my little peanut graduated from. Buy a $20 t-shirt to help fund the purchase of babywearing wraps, etc. for babies & kids with Down's syndrome.

Friday, February 6, 2015

4 Month Pedi Appt & Early Intervention

We met with Early Intervention this past Wednesday to evaluate Rhys' development & form a plan for the future. The Developmental Therapist & Physical Therapist both felt that he is currently 0% delayed for his corrected age & is actually ahead in some areas.  Good job, Rhys! However, we are still going to take advantage of Early Intervention & we will meeting with a Physical Therapist twice a month, moving forward. My little wiggle worm needs to work on developing the correct muscles for more focused movement.

He then had his 4-month pediatrician appt. yesterday morning.  My peanut is 8 lbs. now!  He's still not really registering on any of the growth charts (except for head circumference!), but his growth is steadily moving upwards in a pattern that the doctor was happy with. He also had to get some shots - poor guy!  He's such a trooper, but has been feeling crummy ever since.  Here's hoping today is a better day for you, buddy.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

So Many Appointments...

This kid knows more doctors in 3 months than I've ever met with in my entire life. I'm grateful for them & I appreciate what they do for him, but keeping it all straight is wearing. Last week he had a follow-up eye appointment to make sure he still hasn't developed ROP from being on oxygen after his premature birth. This week we are meeting with Early Intervention (2 different therapists are coming to evaluate him & make a plan) & he also has his 4-month check-up. Next week we meet with the geneticist & also attend the Down's syndrome follow-up clinic (where we will see a dietitian, speech therapist, occupational therapist, etc. all in 1 day).  It's a lot to keep track of.

I know it's not going to get any easier & I've gotten really good at keeping it all straight - but I admit, I'm still terrified that I'm going to screw up one day & he's going to miss an important appointment. I know we can always reschedule, but as a working mom & 1-car family (for now), this is easier said than done. So far so good - fingers crossed it continues.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Stitch Fix Review #1: Jan 2015

My first package from Stitch Fix arrived & I swear, I woke up feeling like it was Rex Manning day. I was SO PUMPED to receive my first package from Stitch Fix! I had no idea what to expect! If you haven't heard of Stitch Fix, click here for a description of the service & reasons why I felt it would be worth it to sign-up. If you're interested in signing-up, please consider using my Referral Link.

Okay, here we go!  Please forgive my first attempt at mirror selfies.  I do not think it's my forte, so I will see if I can bribe my husband into taking pictures for me next time. However, this time, only my dogs will be assisting.

Octavia Bobbie Stripe Color Block Scarf ($34)

The first thing I pulled out was this scarf. I thought $34 for a scarf seemed a bit high, but I loved how versatile and soft it was. I thought at first that it was gray, but it's actually a soft green. Verdict: Kept

RD Style Keira Crew Neck Split Back Knit Top ($48)

Liverpool Anita Skinny Pant ($78)

I'll start with the top. This was wonderful. I would NEVER pick this up for myself & would probably even assume that it wouldn't work on me. I loved it on!  I love the gray/black pattern - neutral, but still interesting. I loved how it fit me - it actually slims me, even in the back (you can see the back in my awkward backward selfie pic above - you're welcome!). This was my favorite thing in my fix & a fantastic addition to my postpartum wardrobe that still makes me feel stylish & sexy. The price is great, but honestly, I would have paid more for it! I am willing to pay for things that I really love & fit me well. Update: Wore this top to work already & got several compliments! Verdict: Kept!

I like these pants a lot. They are just a LITTLE tight in the waist, but since they are stretchy, this is not really an issue. I'm finding I do like the more high-waisted stuff right now because of my postpartum belly. They are a little long on me, which is why I ALMOST didn't keep them, but I prefer them to my black leggings (but they are just as comfortable), so I decided to keep them. Update: They easily stretched & fit more than fine in the waist now. However, although I've worn them since & will continue to, I think they'll be too big in a month at most. Not 100% sure they were worth the money since I'm still in the process of losing the baby weight. Verdict: Kept

Andrew Marc Kinley Anorak Jacket ($148)

I actually really loved this jacket. However, I decided not to keep it for a few reasons. It was just a touch too big on me - which would be okay, except I'm in the process of losing weight & I'm afraid it would hang on me too much by the time I am able to wear it (Spring). Which brings us to reason #2 - it's the middle of Winter in Chicago!  Therefore, I thought it was a strange choice for right now.  Also, again, I live in Chicago (where it's always slushy & gray) & having a coat in white (no matter how easy it is to clean) is pretty risky. I know I'd get it dirty the very first time I tried to wear it out. I did like the style, however. Despite the high price for an unlined jacked, I MIGHT have kept it if it fit a touch smaller & was in a different color (maybe navy or olive). Maybe we can try again in the Spring? Verdict: Returned

Collective Concepts Lydia Floral Print Key-Hole Blouse ($68)
This is a really pretty blouse, although I'm not usually a huge floral fan. But I do love the blue. However, it just looked odd on me. I think maybe I'm too short-waisted, busty, & curvy so it doesn't hang quite right. Verdict: Returned

Overall, I totally loved this experience. I think my stylist did a great job. I would have liked to see more earth tones, a winter jacket, or maybe a pair of jeans, but I think it was a great mix of stuff for a 1st fix. Hopefully my feedback will help my stylist nail down my style more, while still pushing me out of my comfort zone.

My next fix is scheduled to arrive 2/20/2015!